Friday, April 30, 2010

Law and Order

I seem to have a small obsession with Law and Order. It started with Special Victims Unit and has now moved on to Criminal Intent. I'm not sure why these are appealing to me. I mean, I have a theory...I think I like seeing the law work, every time. They always catch the criminal, the criminal is always convicted, and the cops and the ADA's are the good guys. All is right in their world. Cops are honorable, judges aren't biased, and juries make the correct decisions. If only the real world were like that. But it's not. It makes me wonder why I am interested in law and hope to go to law school. Lawyers are rarely the god guys anymore (except of course my dad). For every one lawyer who holds true to their oaths, beliefs, and standards, there are ten more who are using their degree to swindle small companies, poor people, and those who cannot afford proper representation. I find myself, when thinking about choosing a school, which school would attract the lowest percent of these 'bad' lawyers, because that is not what I want to be. But are there really those good guys that I see on Law and Order that uphold the constitution and all that it stands for? Or are they figments of my imagination only real on TV?

1 comment:

  1. I hear that it's really only 1 in 10 that don't uphold their beliefs and the constitution rather than the other way around...we'll have to wait and see what you experience.
