Every year I am caught off guard when the time comes to choose rooms and classes for the next year. That time has come again. At BM we have room draw, a process both hated and loved. I am on the hating side this year as my room draw number is 264 and I want to live in the three most popular dorms. So what to do? Last year I saved a friend from an equally horrible number by doing a hall group...its her turn this year. The problem comes when deciding the actual room. We have floor plans for all of the dorms, yet the rooms never look like they do in the floor plan...it's a nice concept, but in actuality is not really helpful.
As a freshman, I had a nice room, a good size and in a good dorm. My sophomore year I was in a double with a friend that, once we got our stuff in, seemed a lot smaller than when we chose it, but we came to work well with our restraints. This year my room has no real positive side. It is cozy, to say the least, on the third floor, and has no storage room. I somehow managed to decorate it to my liking and now it is home, but I cannot say that I will miss it when I have hauled all of my belongings down the three flights of stairs. But that is life I suppose; you win some and loose some. I have decided this is my year to win some...if all works out.
While everyone on campus is checking out and coveting the few amazing rooms on campus, the task of enrolling for classes for the fall semester comes upon us. Let me just say, this is the one downfall of a small school. I love BM and am generally happy with my classes once I am settled in, but the choosing and the arranging is horrid. First of all, I have found, as a rising senior that I have taken a variation of each and every class offered in my major department. There is no variety. I find myself saying this every year, but I think this time it is actually true. So finding classes that are new and interesting is a chore. Then, once I've found classes I would semi-like to take, they are all at the same time. It always happens. Departments have all their classes on the same days, either Mon. and Wed. or Tues. and Thurs. And, not only are they on the same day, there are only about three or four time slots. I am an Art History major. The lower level classes are in the morning (9 being the earliest, but let me just say I am NOT a morning person and so I have a terrible time waking up for these classes). If the class is not in the morning, it is later in the afternoon (obviously). These times work for me, and as it turns out they are mostly once a week, but that means the class is longer and then does not fit nicely into the time slots left by the two times a week classes. I hate choosing classes.
This year I find myself in an interesting place. I have only three classes before my major is done, and one for my minor...leaving me with four classes to play around with. As I was originally a double major, I have never had time to explore other disciplines as one is meant to do at a liberal arts college. To say the least, I am very excited to start exploring before the end of my free days are done and I move on to law school when there is not an abundance of choice in subject matter. By the time I get all of this figured out we come upon finals. Can I just say summer has never been so attractive as it is right now, sitting in the rain looking over my scheduling conflicts.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago