I noticed something interesting when looking over my image of words. Something I expected to come up more often than it did was "mom". Many people in class had said that they were surprised how much their mothers or families came up in their posts...the opposite happened to me. I am unusually close to my mother for an only child of the female sex. She is my best friend and my confidant...not something most girls find in their mothers. This is not to say that I'm not daddy's little girl (I'm my father's youngest girl, my mother's only child). I love both my parents and enjoy spending time in their company. I often preferred in high school to spend the evening at home with my parents rather than going to a party or a school dance. Some of my friends understand it, others don't, but there is something they can all agree on, and that is that they love my mom. She is one of the most genuine person anybody will ever meet, and she is a lot fun. I've never understood my friends who do not get along with their mothers, but I realized how special my relationship is with my parents in class this past week. I've always felt slightly self-conscious of my relationship with them...it is certainly not normal to enjoy being in your parents company as a teenager. But what I realize,d as all my classmates shared their surprise in finding out how much influence their families have over them, that I shouldn't be wondering why I have such a close relationship with my parents, but why they don't. My parents are my support system, their love will never change depending on who's popular or what I say to them one day. They will never question my anger, only try to understand it. When did it become taboo for kids to be friends with their parents? They have to love you, not many other people have to...why not take advantage of that and love them back? It works for me.
Pretty amazing!