Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm not sure if classes count as a 'good thing,' but they have ended, and something special happens when classes end. No it is not that it is summer, or May day, or even finals. It doesn't have a name, and it's a bit corny, but here it goes anyway. I find that at the end of a class everyone suddenly wakes up and realizes what it is that they will no longer have in that specific class. Each class (by this I mean the group of students) has a different sense to it. Some are studious, some are deeply connected, and most contain people that you like. The thing is, I never really notice until the last day of class. We all get so caught up in doing well and studying that we forget that class is a great place to make new friends and make bonds with students that are not in your social circle. Unfortunately with me these fellow classmates rarely make it into what I call a good friends category. And why? It is not because I don't like them, or don't have fun with them, and it's not because we don't have things in common with each other. I think it is because they don't know my friends and I don't know theirs. It really shouldn't happen like this. I shouldn't end all my classes thinking "wow it would've been nice to be friends with her." I should be thinking "wow, I'd like to keep in touch with her." I think I did a better job this year connecting with people in my classes. I mean I should be able to connect with at least new person in each class, and I think, for the most part I have. But the problem then comes in keeping up with a person who you now have no common time spent together and you don't share friends. It really shouldn't be a problem at such a small school where everyone, for the most part, are great friendly, welcoming people. So why is it that I end classes with a bittersweet taste in my mouth thinking "that was fun, they were nice" and them close the book? The end of class should be the beginning of new friendship.

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