Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Starting Out

I have always been opposed to blogging. I never kept a journal or diary, and I don't think people really care about my daily thoughts...at least I don't really care about other people's. I find no validity in personal blogs. So that leaves us with news blogs, which I don't like either. For one, they take the general public away from the published press and they can't always be trusted giving people false news. I suppose I find blogs that discuss certain subjects interesting and I enjoy a blog every so often that makes me laugh, but I haven't seen the point in following one myself. So here I am, new year, new semester, peeking my head into the blogging world. It should be interesting.

I don't flatter myself thinking that others will be interested in my daily going-ons, and I know that I'm not particularly funny, or so I have been told numerous times. So what to do with a blog?

When talking about a subject matter with friends, we landed on a blog about fashion, or rather about bad fashion, like 'What Not to Wear' blog style. But I am no Stacy or Clinton and I can't presume to know real fashion. I know what I like and what I think looks good as well as what comes off as total train wreaks. So, as to not come off as a stuck-up, wanna-be fashionista I thought I'd carry my friends' idea to a broader place. I attend an all woman's college, a place that only a few people know anything about, truly. Of course there are the myths of an all woman's school which many know, but how many people actually know what goes on inside the dorms? Inside the classrooms, or around campus? To live here is to love women (in theory). So I'm going to explore this place I find myself in and try to relate it to others. It may not be interesting, and I hope to keep my harsh judgements to a minimum, but I'll see where this takes me.


  1. I am excited by the prospect of following your blog. Having attended a co-ed university myself, I am interested in comparing as well as hearing more about how you see things. Even though you consider yourself "not funny", I chuckled already and am looking forward to a few opportunities to "lol"-thanks for the invitation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My dearest Katelyn,
    Thank you for inviting me to read your blog. I too have never done (read or responded to) a blog, so I am a novice. As a result, I do not know the protocol. Perhaps, for example, I should not have addressed this to you as a letter? Nevertheless, I will forge ahead, and thus far I have two comments. 1) Why do you feel that you must be funny or amusing? Are there no serious or sullen blogs? Is that not the form? 2) I am absolutely confounded by your comment that you do not care about other people's thoughts! Humph! You may mean that philosophically, but I have met few people in all my years who are as genuinely and profoundly interested in others as you are. And no one who loves literature as you do is disinterested in the thoughts of others. So, take that back! Thank you for letting me comment, and please correct my faults of form. Becky

  4. Hi Becky!
    It is so good to hear your voice inside my head. I'm not sure I can answer any of your questions. As to the being funny, I don't know where I got the concept, except to say that I've always wanted to be a funny writer and so I suppose it is the bar that I hold myself to. And I suppose you're right, that I do care about people's thoughts, especially those people I admire, but I think I meant that I do not care if people judge me for my thoughts. As you know, I can be judgmental, and I think that in this case, I don't mind if others think that I am judgmental too.
